发布于 分类 Linux
更新于 2016-07-22
43天前 有1个用户阅读过
似乎因为博客已有SSL证书,需要在后台的Crypto里把SSL模式从Full SSL切换到Full SSL (strict)。
CloudFlare SSL options
Flexible SSL:
There is an encrypted connection between your site visitors and CloudFlare, but not from CloudFlare to your server.
- You do not need an SSL certificate on your server.
- Visitors will see the SSL lock icon in their browser.
Full SSL:
Encrypts the connection between your site visitors and CloudFlare, and from CloudFlare to your server.
- You will need to have an SSL certificate on your server. However, CloudFlare will not attempt to validate the certificate (certificates may be self-signed).
- Visitors will see the SSL lock icon in their browser.
Full SSL (strict):
Encrypts the connection between your site visitors and CloudFlare, and from CloudFlare to your server.
- You will need to have a valid SSL certificate installed on your server, and the certificate must be signed by a trusted certificate authority and have not expired.
- Visitors will see the SSL lock icon in their browser.
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